Prayer Letter update from the Bedwells

Update from 1/30/24

Good Morning! I hope everyone is doing well! I can't believe the first month of 2024 is almost over... I wanted to share a little update with what we have been doing on furlough and over Christmas.

Mandy and I found out on Christmas day that she is pregnant and Lord willing we will be having a little one in September!

Our plan is still to go back to Zambia at the end of April but return to have the baby as there are medical reasons why this has to happen.

Check out the map below!!

As we have been sharing about the ministry,

many have asked about the languages in Zambia.

We’ve been asked how hard it was to learn the

language. Here is a linguistic map of the country.

Although it’s by far not the hardest country in the

world when it comes to languages and dialects.

This gives you an idea of how many dialects there

are in the country.

Praise Report- At the end of December we

were able to send over some much-needed

supplies over for the ministry including 750

hardback English Bibles and about 3,000

John and Romans which are in parallel

Language English/Chichewa. If you would

like more information about sending

barrels with ministry and personal

supplies, please contact us!!

Prayer requests

-Pray for moving across the country.

It’s a 16–17-hour drive between


-Pray for open doors once we arrive

in Mfuwe.

-Pray for finances for the relocation

and the church plant.

We love you all!

- Please join us in prayer for new partners

to come join alongside of us to

accomplish the ministry in Mfuwe,

Zambia!! Please email or direct message me if you are interested.

Justin and Mandy Bedwell

November 6th 2023

Bedwells on Furlough

Good morning! I just wanted to give a quick update! We have been traveling like crazy for the past two months since we returned to the states at the end of August. We have been in 15 churches in that time! Traveled a little over 4000 miles! The Lord has truly blessed us with appointments from New Hampshire/New York to Indiana/down to Georgia/Tennessee/and back home to Alabama!! We want to thank all the churches and their congregation for allowing us to come share with them what the Lord is doing in Zambia and what he has us going back to accomplish through the Holy Spirit!!

David has been able to connect back with family and friends from the start of our time being home. He was able to greet a new baby cousin into the world from my brother having his first baby girl named Kendall! He was also able to make new friends in all the churches we’ve had the opportunity to be in over the past two months. He truly is one of the most adaptable little boys I’ve ever seen!

Prayer request

-The health of Mandy, David and I as we travel and keep up with our schedule of traveling that the Lord has blessed us with

-That our time with family will be blessed this holiday season!

-the continued obedience to the national men and women that continues to do the things Mandy and I were doing in Nyawa.


-Open doors that the Lord has put in front of our family!

-The Lord blessing with appointments while we are in the states on furlough.

We love you all!!

Justin and Mandy Bedwell

August 7th 2023

The Monday report from Zambia!!

Good morning everyone! I hope you are doing great!

We have had a week of traveling all the way back to Nyawa on Thursday.

We were able to be with Siachombo Baptist church yesterday with Bro Charles! There was one lady who came forward and accepted Christ as her savior! And another one who came forward and wants to grow and be discipled! Praise the Lord!

David has become sick today with a stomach bug. Please pray for him and also us that it doesn’t run through the family.. like most times.

We are about to start a women’s conference in the village and be apart of a deaf conference in Livingstone the week before we head back to the states. So it’s a busy couple of weeks before we leave to go on furlough! Please pray for us as we finish wrapping things up!


-the two women from Siachombo

-the safe travels back to Nyawa

-Gods continue grace!

-the Lord continuing to use us here in Zambia!

Prayer request

-the two conferences coming up

-the Lords provision for sickness

-David to feeling better

We love you all!

Justin and Mandy Bedwell

June 19th 2023

The Monday report from Nyawa

Good morning everyone! I hope you are doing well! We had great week here in the village!

We have a team of five coming in on Friday!! Please pray for their travels and the Lord will work through them as they serve along side the ministry here in Nyawa. They will be doing a couple building projects and VBS in the village!

My grandmother sent 175 Bible covers that she sewed together! We were able to start giving those out this week! We are so thankful for them!!

We had 4 men that accepted Christ as their savior in the village of Sibayumba! A village we have been going to for a year now. Two of these men have been attending since the beginning and were finally at the point of being ready to make that decision! Praise the Lord!! One of the leaders we have, has committed to go there weekly when we are back in the states on furlough!! Please pray that he will stay faithful to make the two hour bicycle ride to that village weekly!!

We had some funds sent for soccer equipment here in the village and we were able to get them some shin guards sent from America with the last team that came! They love them!

Please pray for us as Mandy and I start to hand over our Bible studies to locals in the ministry as we transition to our furlough in a couple months back in the states.

Some of you have reached out to us about coming to visit with you and your church! If you are interested in having us come in person to share with you please let me know through messenger or email me at

Justin and Mandy Bedwell

June 5th 2023

The Monday report from Nyawa!

The old school way having to drive 5 km down the road for internet since ours is out at the house..

We have had a action packed two weeks with the team from CFBC coming to visit and minister with us!

We was able to host a Pastor/leader conference with around 90 men from two ministries there in attendance for 3 days. The topic was the Book of Acts. It was truly awesome!! It impacted me as well! Thank you to Jay Schug and the team at CFBC!

The ladies on the team taught the leaders wives! It was very good and the ladies loved it!

We were able to go and show the Jesus film at a village we have been trying to get going for a Bible study. And visit and teach at a school in the neighboring village to that! It was very successful!

We finished out the trip with a Victoria Falls adventure and a trip to Botswana for a game drive!

All in all it was a great trip!!

We saw 6 people come to accept Jesus Christ as their savior!

This week is back to the grind of Bible study and leader training at the various locations!

Please pray that the impact the team had would last on the men and women and they would take the challenges and implement them into their lives!


-the team came and went safely and no big issues

-the 6 people who accepted Christ as their savior

-Mandy and her feeling a lot better.

Prayer request

-the 6 people who accepted Christ as their savior

-the upcoming weeks as we get back to the grind

-unspoken for myself

We love you all so much!

Justin and Mandy Bedwell

April 3rd 2023

The Monday report from Nyawa!!

Good morning everyone!! I hope you have had a good week! I can’t believe it’s already April!!

We here in Zambia are going into our winter! So the temps are cooling off at night! Which is nice with no A/C in our house.

This week has been really full! We were able to get to all 8 of our Bible study and Pastor training classes this week!

We also were able to go to a village of Simongu on Saturday to do a full day teaching! There were 5 people who accepted Christ as their savior!! Praise the Lord!

We are preparing for our Pastors conference next month with a team from Community Fellowship Baptist church with Pastor Jay Schug coming to help with us!! Pray for them and us as we prepare for it!

We were able to get the benches to the last church!! All 14 of the churches have benches in them now! Praise the Lord!

Mandy is feeling much better since she started taking the meds for H pilori. Pray that it continues getting better!!


-5 people receiving Christ!

-Mandy getting better

-able to get to all the Bible study’s

Prayer request

-Mandy and continued healing

-the Pastor conference next month

-continued growth in the ministry

Thank you!!

We love you all

Justin and Mandy Bedwell

Feb 13th 2023

The Monday report from Nyawa!

Good morning everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday morning and Super Bowl last night!!

We have had a wonderful week here in Nyawa!

The team from Decatur Baptist church wrapped there missions trip in Tuesday as they flew back out from Victoria Falls! The conference went really good and have had many conversations this week on the topic that we had! It was really good for the Pastors of the ministry to come together and learn from the Word of God!! And how to properly study the Book!!

Todd Smith and Kim Smith hit the ground running when they got back on Bible study and the building project we had going! It’s good to have them back!

Mandy Bedwell and I are In Lusaka right now for a doctors appt today for her. please pray we will get what we need to get done while here and return safely to Nyawa on Wednesday!

Thank you to my grandmother Francis Bedwell for sewing the Bible covers that you see in the picture!!


-the team from Decatur Baptist Church impact on the Pastors and ministry while they were here!

-Todd and Kim’s return to Nyawa

-the growth of the Pastors that are part of the ministry!

Prayer request

-traveling mercy on Wednesday

-Mandy’s doctor appt today

-the continued growth of the ministry

-the continued growth of the Pastors

Thank you so much!!

We love you all!

Justin and Mandy

December 26th

The Monday report from Nyawa

Good morning I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas day weekend celebrating with both your church family and immediate family!

We had a great weekend of celebration with church services on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning!! It was a wonderful time of praising the Jesus Christ!!

We were able to be at Kolando Baptist church on Saturday night for Christmas Eve service and then on Sunday morning at Minyunde Baptist for Christmas morning service! The video you see if them singing Away in a manger!!

This week we have another Christmas service at one of out new locations in Wednesday in Sibayumba village. Pray it will be a good turn out and won’t rain!!

Starting the New year with some of my Pastors we will be going through the 52 Weeks of pursuit by Mark Trotter! Thank you so much for those of you that sent those books to be given out!! I’m so excited about the growth this year in our Pastor and look forward to them growing this coming year!!

We have another church about half was done! This is Sinyongo Baptist church with Pastor Creto. The rains make it take longer but we still plan to get it complete before the heavy rains come.

Todd Smith and Kim Smith along with us received our barrels that were shipped in September!! Thank you so much for those who gave to our ministry!! It is truly a blessing!!

We still have not found or had any leads about the things that were stolen. Just pray that Gods Will will for this situation, which I know it will be done!!


-Mandy is still feeling a lot better on the new meds

-Christmas was great this year

-we made it home safe from Lusaka

-Todd’s mom is doing so much better

Prayer request

-the Pastors and leaders of this ministry

-the New locations we are in as we aren’t able to get to some of them because the rain

-continue to pray for Mandy and her stomach issues

-Todd’s dad

November 21, 2022

The Monday report from Nyawa

Good morning everyone!! I hope you had a wonderful week and are going to have some much needed time off with family this week for Thanksgiving!!

Here In Nyawa we have been really busy and HoTT!! Haha this weeks temps most everyday was around 100-105. But that’s the time of year we are at. When it doesn’t rain it’s really hot!

Through people who gave to Mission Opportunities 4 Christ with Todd Smith and Kim Smith we were able to have two boreholes dug in two different villages!! They were In great need of water. some of them were walking upwards of 4 kilometers to get water for their home. They hit very good water at Wachila. We also hit water at Kapule.

Also through people who gave to Todd and Kim we were able to finish one church in Siansanda and are still working on the other one.

Please be praying for the rain as many have started and some finished planting because of the early rains we had. Pray that the rains come back and set in for the season!! It is very important for that to happen because if it doesn’t the seed may not germinate and will die without growing.

Mandy is doing better but still not out of the woods yet. We think we have narrowed it down to her stomach. Maybe a ulcer or possibility of something else. We are going to try and find a GI doctor in Lusaka to consult with.

David is better from the rash he had. Meds worked great!!

We are continuing with the Bible studies far out in the village as long as the roads/Paths are passable. Pray for them!


-Water hit at the two villages

-the one church in Siansanda

-David is better

-narrowed to Mandy’s stomach

Prayer Request

-the rain

-my family through the Holidays with the loss of my dad earlier this year

-Mandy and continued finding out what’s going on

-Todd’s mom and her continued healing and getting strength back

We love you all so much!!

Justin and Mandy Bedwell.

October 10, 2022

The Monday Report from Nyawa Zambia

Good morning! I hope all of you had a great weekend!

We had a good week this past week. All of our sickness has passed! We are all well this week.

We were able to get back to our regular schedule with Bible studies and teachings. The temps are really warming up here and will be really hot daily until the rains come towards the end of November to beginning of December.

This week also set a first for me. I helped Todd as he built a casket for a 1 month old baby that died near one of the church locations.

We have a borehole company coming out this week to locate the best place to put the borehole!


-Everyone’s sickness being over

-The continued strength in most of our new villages we are in.

Prayer request

-good location for the borehole to be dug

-Mudenda Village (we are struggling to get connected in this village)

-The heat(with the heat brings extremely dry conditions and lack of water even in some of the boreholes dry up)

We love you all!

God Bless

Justin and Mandy Bedwell

September 26, 2022

The Monday Report from Nyawa!!

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Our week has been a somewhat a little slow. There has been a ceremony at the Chiefs palace for the past several days. We had to cancel most of our Bible studies last week because of it. Most all people that is within a reasonable distance went to it.

But one of the Churches WACHILA Baptist church that Todd Smith and Kim Smith planted and built had their church dedicated! It was a service that started on Saturday night going through Sunday morning. I went Saturday night and preached also showing the Jesus film and Todd went on Sunday morning to finish it up. There were 500+ people in attendance all night! It was a wonderful event.


-Wachila Baptist church dedication.

-the New teaching point that Todd has

-Mandy and David are feeling better.

Prayer request

-Todd and Kim are making a trip to Lusaka to pick up barrels. Pray for safety on the road.

-this week as we meet with the Bible studies, for what is taught to be applied in the lives of the people

-the people are starting to get their fields ready for the rain. We can start getting prepared to pray for rain. These crops are these people whole way of making a living for the year.

We love each and every one of you!!

Thank you for reading.

Justin and Mandy Bedwell


August 22, 2022

The Monday Report from Nyawa

Good morning everyone!

We had a wonderful very productive week this past week!!

We had one of our youth conferences that we had over 200 youth present!! It was amazing and the Lord showed up in a big way!!

We had 46 people give their life to Jesus Christ!! Praise the Lord!!


-the 46 youth that gave their life to Christ!

Prayer request

-we are traveling to Chipata tomorrow pray for traveling mercy

-We have a all church retreat next weekend. This will encompass 5 churches. Please pray the Lord to show up!

-we are in a vehicle situation where we need to sell one and get another because of some issues. Pray the Lord will direct and give me discernment about what to do.

Thank you so much for praying for us!

Justin and Mandy


August 15, 2022

The Monday Report from Nyawa!!

Good Morning everyone!! I hope you had a wonderful day serving and worshiping the Lord yesterday!!

Our week has been very eventful! Todd and some guys have been building a church in Simuba village! This is a church plant that is about 2 years old. Began with a Bible study and now they have a building to worship in weekly! We make sure that their is a leader that is solid before any building goes up! This is the only way we can attempt to make it sustainable. It is a long process to get to the point of building a church! Watch the video for the progress!

We went back to the village of Mudenda and showed the Jesus film with much more success! We had about 250 people present and was in a location much better than before! It takes a while to figure out who and where the best place for the Bible study and if there is a true leader there or not.

Mandy is starting another ladies Bible study at Nyawa Central Baptist church! Please pray for her as she starts another class!!

We will be having a four day youth conference from Thursday to Sunday this coming week, with about 300 present! Please pray for this conference!


-success in building the church in Siamuba

-success in the Jesus film at Mudenda village

-David and his potty training is going very good!

Prayer request

-we will be traveling to Lusaka on Sunday

-the youth conference from Thursday-Sunday

Thank you so much for praying for us and keeping up with what is going on here in Nyawa

Justin and Mandy

Click on youtube link at top of page for video.


August 8, 2022

The Monday Report from Nyawa!

Good morning everyone! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ!!

We had a wonderful week all except a little sickness with Todd and Kim. But they are on the mend. It is warming up here in the village! But now is the time that people are the most free to meet for Bible study! So we have to capitalize the opportunity. We were able to be in 10 different villages this past week teaching at various levels!

We had a evangelism Saturday at Nyawa Central Baptist church and there were 16 people who accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour!! Praise the Lord!!

This coming week we have a Jesus film that we are going to show. It’s to a village we have already been to with it but they have requested it to try and get some more people coming to the Bible study. So please pray for that!


-16 people who accepted Christ

-All but 2 of Mandy’s discipleship class went and helped lead the teams that went out for evangelism.

-the continued attendance at the 4 new villages for Bible study.

Prayer request

-Todd and Kim to get completely better from not feeling well

-the Jesus film showing on Wednesday night! Village of Mudenda

-David in his continued potty training process

Thank you so much for tuning in the The Monday Report and praying for us!

We love you all!!

Justin and Mandy


January 2022 update from the Bedwells!! 

Hi friends and family,

We wanted to send an update of the last few months and what lies ahead! It’s been busy with getting acclimated, moving into our home, having our first holidays in our home, and getting ready for new ministries in the new year!

But we want to start by saying thank you to everyone that has been for praying us through these beginning months. It’s been a bumpy transition but God has been so good!!

Okay, so the transition was good, it only took a few days for David to get adjusted to the new time and his new home, mom and dad were soon to follow! We’ve started living with Todd and Kim Smith, our ministry partners, as we finished our home. We had to do electrical wiring, solar panels installed, plumbing, borehole (clean water well) install, painting, furniture finds, and mosquito net screens on doors and windows and porches! So from Oct 2 to thanksgiving we were with Todd and Kim but moved in the day before thanksgiving! We’ve celebrated the holidays in our new home and David loves not having much furniture so he has more room to play!! 

While we were working on our house we still had time to start with the ministry. We have 15 churches and 12 with pastors. I’ve started a pastors teaching on Tuesday’s for the pastors closer to home and will start a Friday teaching this new year for the pastors further out. This will allow the pastors to continue growing in their relationships with the Lord, learn more how to study their Bibles for themselves, and continue to lead their flock in the Word of God! This also allows the pastors to build relationships with each other so they can help each other as they lead! Remember, everything we do is to help these churches be sustainable! 

Mandy and I have started a new Bible study in Siambuci village and have already seen some come to know the Lord. The only religion that was out there is called Zion and they don’t teach the Bible, they just do a lot of singing and dancing. When we started some didn’t understand what sin was, if heaven and hell were real, and who is Jesus and why did His death mean anything. We have a lot to teach but praising God that we have the opportunity to be there! We are there on Wednesday if you will pray for them!

Mandy will also start a new discipleship group this new year on Saturdays. There are 5 women from Kalondo Baptist and 4 from Nyawa Central Baptist that have been faithful that she will take through a deeper discipleship program. The purpose is to help these ladies grow in their personal relationships with the Lord, learn how to study the Bible for themselves, and be leaders for the women and children of their churches, and maybe even assist in new Bible studies in our ministry in new villages. Again, everything we do, we want it to help these churches be sustainable! 

Thank you all again for praying for us as we follow the Lord! Thank you for praying for David, he really is loving his new life and has stayed healthy! 

We have attached a YouTube video of these last few months! We love you all!

Justin, Mandy, and David


September 2021 update from the Bedwells!! 

Hello family and friends,

We want to start by saying thank you to all who have prayed for us through this deputation (fund raising) process. We have been home just under two years and we are two weeks away from getting on the plane. God has walked us through this roller coaster ride and showed Himself faithful over and over again! Right now we are funded at 89% but we are trusting God to provide for us. As we enjoy our final days in the states we would like to ask for some very specific prayers.

First, we ask that you pray for our flights. We leave September 30th from Atlanta and will end in Vic Falls, Zimbabwe. We ask for prayers for the negative Covid tests we need to first board the plane. We also ask that you will pray for David through the flights. This is new and we are just asking the Lord to help him to sleep, eat, and be okay with being confined to the plane for so long.  And also pray that our luggage will arrive with us and we all adjust to the time change well. Zimbabwe may present a few challenges, so we ask that you pray for no challenges to get to the border of Zambia from the airport.

Second, we ask that you pray for our family as this is a very hard time, not only to say “see ya later” to your children, but this time to a grand-child. We ask that you pray for peace, comfort, and a spiritual understanding that the best thing we can do in this life is say “yes” to the Lord! We want them to rejoice through the tears with us! Please, pray for David through this difficult time as well! He doesn’t know what’s really happening, but he’ll feel the effects!

Finally, we ask that you will pray for everything we need to do when we hit the ground in Zambia. We will need to finish getting our work permit, purchase vehicles, and finish building our home. When we arrive, the shell of our home will almost be complete. But we will have to go in and do plumbing, put in all kitchen and bathroom appliances, purchase beds and living room furniture. Everything needed for a family to live with the basics will be needed quickly. Please, pray that God will provide the remainder of our support that is needed so that things can come about in a timely manner. Our desire is to start ministry as soon as possible so please pray these above logistics will be completed quickly.  

Thank you all again for your continued prayers for us! I will be ordained on September 26th, so thank you all for praying for that as well!

Thank you all again for all of your prayers!

God Bless,

Justin, Mandy, and David Bedwell


July 2021 update from the Bedwells!! 

Hello family and friends,

What a busy few months we have had as a family! Since our last update, David has turned one, I have spent a month in Zambia, we have sold our house, and are now within 3 months of leaving for our field. God continues to give us open doors for churches to visit and has even given a few more individuals a desire to partner with us. We thank God for the trials we have faced and the busy months ahead, because we know it is all for His glory! So, let us share with you some of what God has done and then a few prayer requests we have. 

First, we want to take a minute and tell you a little about our son David. What an incredible gift God has given to our family. When Mandy and I were preparing for the foreign mission field, we knew we wanted children but had no idea what it would look like to raise a child there. We still don’t know what it’s like to raise one there, but it’s incredible to see how God has knit David together for this field God has asked our family to go to. David absolutely loves to be outside, wants to play in the water, wants to throw rocks, and has even tasted a bug or two! It makes me speechless to see his personality come out and with each new step, know that God has created him to be prepared for the new journey ahead! We ask that you continue to pray that David will continue to be healthy and that his body will be prepared to handle the long days of travel, the culture changes, and that he will process all the additional changes well. 

Second, I want to share with you about the progress made while I was in Zambia for a month. I went to get our work permit started and our house started. The work permit process has begun and it will take about a month before we get the approval back. I met with the contractor and the house has been started. I was able to purchase all of the blocks, cement, windows, and doors, and that should take us up to the roof which we will purchase once they are ready to put the roof on. We thank God so much for our ministry partners, Todd and Kim Smith, who will be overseeing the building process while we are finishing our support raising. But it was a very profitable trip! I was even able to be there while a team from our home church came over and was able to minister alongside them! It did feel good to be in the field we are called to! 

During the month I was in Zambia, Mandy was here in the states getting our house ready to be sold. We had a contract on the house before I left and while I was gone she spent the month selling almost everything in our home. She packed what we needed to ship, got us in suitcases for the remainder of our time in America, and sold everything else. She worked really hard and after I returned, we closed on the house 3 days later. We will be taking the funds from everything sold and shipping to Zambia our personal effects that made the cut! Basically things for us to get our house up and going and help get us settled! Praise the Lord for how he provides!

Finally, we are 3 months away from our departure and we are excited for the home stretch. We have 7 more churches we will visit as well as some fun family time scheduled! We have a couple more open dates that we are trying to get scheduled but again we are so very thankful for every door God has opened and the doors He has closed. Every step along this journey has been orchestrated for His glory, and we want to give Him praise for everything! We ask that you would continue to pray for us to reach 100% support, that God would lead us to have as many prayer partners as we can get, and that our hearts will be ready when it’s time to board the plane! 

One more prayer request I (Mandy) would like to add. Would you please pray for Justin as he will be ordained in September before we leave. I’m so very proud of him for how he diligently studies the Word and spends time growing in his relationship with the Lord. I’ve seen so much growth in him since he has said “yes” to God. And as he comes to a huge milestone in his relationship with the Lord, I ask that you pray for him to have peace of mind, a calm heart during his ordination, and that God to bring back to his remembrance the Word He has placed in his heart! 

Thank you all again for all of your prayers!

God Bless,

Justin, Mandy, and David Bedwell


April Update from the Bedwells!!!

April 1, 2021

Hi Friends and Family,

We wanted to reach out and give you all the latest updates on our deputation/ ministry/ family journey. We are at our six-month mark of getting on the plane back to Zambia, Africa. Our expected departure date is October 1st, 2021. We have a lot to do over the next 6 months and are asking for your continued prayers as we prepare for our first term on the field!

First, we want to ask for you to pray for our family as we make many transitions over the next six months. Our little man, David, will be turning 1 on May 7th. He has been very healthy and growing strong, praise the Lord! We ask that you will pray for him to continue to stay healthy and that God will prepare his body for the challenges that may lie ahead for him. Next, we ask that you will pray with us as we prepare to sell our home. We have decided not to keep a home back in America so we will be going through the selling process, as well as getting things sold, stored, or shipped to Zambia. We will also be needing to find a place to stay between selling and leaving. Mandy and I have had to make many moving transitions before but none with a little one. So please, just pray for wisdom as we prepare for the upcoming changes and that David will make these transitions well even before we make the large jump across the pond.

Second, if you will continue to pray for the ministry in Zambia. But first to share a praise: Todd and Kim Smith, our ministry partners, were able to move homes in Livingstone quickly and without many challenges. We were able to work with them to find a place we will rent  with them, for when we minister in town while getting supplies for the bush. It is more secure than their last home and gives more peace of mind when we are all in Nyawa, their previous home was broken into on 3 different occasions. We decided to rent this house together because our main homes are in the Nyawa Chiefdom, which is more than 2 hours out of town. I will actually be traveling to Nyawa in June to begin the preparations of building our home, in the bush, beside the Smith’s main residence. Please, pray for wisdom as we choose the right builder that will allow our home to be built by the time we arrive in October. 

The ministry itself is going well in Nyawa. There will be a team coming from Decatur Baptist to work with not only Todd and Kim but other missionaries, in the month of June. I will go early to do some logistics for us but then will join the team for their 2 weeks in Zambia. Mwene Mwene village is starting to make their bricks for a church building after 2 ½ years of having a small Bible study. God has raised up some young men under Todd Smith and Mario Genada who have been leading youth conferences this last month and have one more to go. More young men are being taught that will begin new Bible studies in villages not  yet reached. It’s really a blessing to get to be a part of a ministry that already has 12 churches growing and more Bible studies that are preparing themselves to be used by God in their chiefdom. Please, continue to pray for these Bible studies and churches as they continue to seek the Lord. And we ask a special prayer for Todd and Kim Smith, that God would prepare them and us to begin a partnership that we truly pray is all for God’s glory every day!

Third, please continue to pray for more partners to come alongside us for support and prayers. We are currently at 72% of our monthly budget and 75% of our moving budget. We are praising God for every dollar he has provided and continues to provide but we also want to praise God that we have grown in prayer partners as well through this time of deputation. We now have 47 churches that pray for us, either corporately or individuals from these churches. What an incredible gift to have so many praying for us as we follow the Lord. 

Thank you all for your prayers and support! May God bless you all!

Justin, Mandy, and David Bedwell

. Please see our facebook page for all of the updates!!